Item Name: Electronics 1993 - 1995

Item ID: Eleron-Ib

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements February 1979 until April 1999\"\"\"\"

1. Do the following:

(a) Draw a simple schematic diagram.  It must show resistors, capacitors, and transistors or integrated circuits.  Use correct symbols.  Label all parts.

(b) Tell the purpose of each part.

2. Do the following:

(a) Show the right way to solder and unsolder.

(b) Show how to avoid heat damage to parts.

(c) Tell about the function of a printed circuit board.  Tell what precautions should be observed when soldering the.

3. Select ONE of the following:

(a) Tell how you can use electronics for a control purpose.  Build a circuit to show this.

(b) Tell about the basic principles of digital techniques.  Show how to change three decimal number into binary numbers.  Show how to change three binary numbers into decimal numbers.  Build a circuit to show digital techniques.

(c) Tell about three audio applications of electronics.  Build a circuit to show audio techniques. 

4. Do the following for the project you built in requirement 3:

(a) Show how to read the schematic diagram of the project.

(b) Show how the project works.  To the best of your ability tell how it operates.

5. Do the following:

(a) Show how to solve a simple problem involving current, voltage, and resistance using Ohm's law.

(b) Tell about the need for and the use of test equipment in electronics.  Name three types of test equipment.  Tell how they operate.

(c) Tell about three jobs in electronics.  Tell what training is needed for each job.