Item Name: Farm Arrangement 1972 - 1973

Item ID: FarArr-H1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until February 1978

1. Do EITHER (a) or (b).

(a) Rearrangement Plan

(1) Make a scale drawing of a farmstead as it is now. Show location of buildings. Name them and mark as permanent, temporary, obsolete, or movable. Show windbreaks, desirable trees, roads and farm lanes, electric lines, direction of prevailing winds in winter and summer, good and poor drainage spots, wells, ponds, streams.

(2) On tracing paper overlay, show where you would relocate the main farmstead centers to best suit the needs of your kind of farm operation. Explain why you would relocate the centers.

(b) New Plan

(1) Make a scale drawing of a farmstead site that has no buildings. This drawing should show present location of the following: trees (mark whether desirable or not), windbreaks, slope of land, roads, streams, ponds, direction of prevailing winds in winter and summer, high and low spots, electric lines.

(2) On this plan show where you would put the farmstead centers to best suit the needs of your kind of farm operation. Explain why you would put the centers where you have.

2. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Get plans for one building that would best fit into your farmstead. Tell how you would change the plans to fit your needs.

(b) Make and explain a detailed plan for water and sanitation facilities for a farm.

(c) On a tracing paper overlay, show the best way for getting from one center of the farmstead to another. Show how to get from the farmstead to the fields, pastures, and road. Explain your drawing.

This merit badge may be earned as a 4-H'er by completing a club project in that subject or as an FFA member by meeting these requirements through the FFA supervised farming program.