Item Name: Farm Mechanics 1972 - 1975

Item ID: FarMec-H1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until January 1984

1. List tools usually found in a well-equipped farm shop.  Explain the uses of four.

2. Pick any farm machine and explain power is transferred to do a job.

3. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Put a new handle in any tool found on the farm.
(b) Sharpen any cutting tool found on the farm.
(c) Build a tool rack and place to store nails, bolts, and washers.

4. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Adjust farm equipment or machinery.

(b) Pick a piece of farm machinery or equipment.  Check all nuts, bolts, and screws.  Tighten any that are loose.  Replace those that are missing, worn, or damaged.  List things you did.

(c) Repair broken or worn farm machinery or equipment.

5. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Do the following on a tractor:  grease, change oil and oil filter, clean air cleaner, flush cooling system, clean radiator fins.

(b) With any farm machine, do a daily service check for filed use.  (Do thing needed for best field performance.)

(c) Prepare any farm machine for winter.

6. Visit an implement dealer.  Prepare a list of the safety features found on a tractor and one other farm machine shown there.  Explain the reasons for these.

This merit badge may be earned as a 4-H'er by completing a club project in that subject or as an FFA member by meeting these requirements through the FFA-supervised farming program.