Item Name: Farm Mechanics 1993 - 1995

Item ID: FarMec-I

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1984 until January 1998\"\"\"\"

Requirements January 1984 until January 1998

1. List 10 common tools found in a well-equipped farm shop and explain how to safety use each one.

2. Explain how power is produced or transferred in a:

(a) Diesel engine
(b) Hydraulic system
(c) Transmission or any other power system

3. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Put a new handle in any tool found on the farm.
(b) Build a tool rack with storage for nails, bolts, nuts, and washers.
(c) List safety features that should be found in a farm shop.

4. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Adjust farm equipment or> (b) Pick a piece of farm machinery or equipment.  Check all nuts, bolts, and screws.  (c) Repair broken or worn farm machinery or equipment.

5. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Do the following on an engine-powered machine: grease, change oil and oil filter, clean air cleaner, flush cooling system, clean radiator fins, replace diesel fuel filters.
(b) With any farm machine, do a daily service check for filed use. (Do things needed for best field performance.)
(c) Prepare any farm machine for winter.

6. Visit an implement dealer.  Interview the dealer technician or service manager for hints on good preventive maintenance.  Ask why it is important.  What are the costs?  What happens that causes wear or damage?  Report what you discovered?