Item Name: Farm Records 1959 - 1960

Item ID: FarRec-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1957 until January 1960

1. Explain fully what kind of records and books should be kept for a general purpose and stock farm.  Tell which of these are kept on his farm.

2. Make and submit a poultry and egg production record for one month.

3. Make out a bill of sale for the following to Jones Produce Company, Chicago, Illinois.

160 lbs. of Spring Fryers @ .38

32 doz. eggs @.42

1 Cockerel for breeding purposes, $5.75

24 Pullets sold @ each $2.50

4. Make a 7-day milk record for herd of cows.

5. Make out a sample of one year's birth record for 3 colts, 27 calves and 15 pigs. 

6. Explain what records are needed in making out an income tax report for his State or Federal Income Tax.