Item Name: Farm Records 1961 - 1968

Item ID: FarRec-F

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1961 until June 1972

1. Explain fully what kind of records and books should be kept for a general purpose and stock farm.  Tell which of these are kept on your farm.

2. Make and submit a poultry and egg production record for one month.

3. Make out a bill of sale for the following to Jones Produce Company, Chicago, Illinois.

160 lbs. of spring fryers                      $.30 per lb.

32 doz. eggs                                         .42 per doz.

1 cockerel for breeding purposes       5.75

24 pullets                                             2.50 each

4. Make a seven-day milk record for a herd of cows (your own or a neighbor's).

5. Make out a sample of one year's birth record for three colts, twenty-seven calves, and fifteen pigs.

6. Explain what records are needed in making out an income tax report for your state or federal income tax.

This merit badge may be earned as a 4-H'er by completing a club project in that subject or as an FFA member by meeting these requirements through the FFA-supervised farming program.