Item Name: Fruit Culture 1947 - 1954

Item ID: FruCul-E1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements November 1932 until June 1953

1. Prune a fruit tree and explain why such pruning was done.

2. Make a plan for planting a 2-acre fruit orchard.

3. Prepare and demonstrate how to use the following apple or other fruit tree sprays:

(a) Dormant spray
(b) Bud spray
(c) Calyx spray

4. Demonstrate how to grade and pack two kinds of fruit.

5. Explain requirements for planting and management of two kinds of small fruit.

6. Bud or graft two fruit trees.

7. Demonstrate the propagation of grapes, strawberries and raspberries, and explain when and how to plant.