Item Name: Gardening 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Garden-AH03

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Dig and care for during the season a piece of ground containing not less than 144 square feet.

2. Know the names of a dozen plants pointed out in an ordinary garden.

3. Understand what is meant by pruning, grafting, and manuring.

4. Plant and grow successfully six kinds of vegetables or flowers from seeds or cuttings.

5. Cut grass with scythe under supervision.


Requirements October 1914 until December 1919

1. Do one of the following things:

(a) Operate a garden plot of not less than 20 feet square and show a net profit or not less than $5 on the season's work. Keep an accurate crop report.

(b) Grow 1/20 acre of potatoes. Select ten hills from which seed potatoes are to be taken. Grade potatoes in three divisions-market, medium, and culls. Manufacture the culls into potato starch for home use. Keep an accurate crop report of the season's work.

(c) Keep both back and front yard in good condition for the summer vacation of three months, which will include care of garden, flowers, mowing of lawn, keeping the yard free from waste paper, rubbish, etc. Keep an accurate record of the vacation's work.

(d) Build a backyard trellis, and grow a covering of vines for it in a season's time of not more than four months.

2. Write an account of not less than five hundred words stating how the work was performed.


Requirements December 1919 until May 1924

1. Do two of the following things:

(a) Operate a garden plot of not less than 20 feet square and show a net profit of not less than $5 on the season's work. Keep an accurate crop report.

(b) Grow 1/20 acre of potatoes. Select ten hills from which seed potatoes are to be taken. Grade potatoes in three divisions-market, medium, and culls. Manufacture the culls into potato starch for home use. Keep an accurate crop report of the vacation's work.

(c) Keep both back and front yard in good condition for the summer vacation of three months, which will include care of garden, flowers, mowing of lawn, keeping the yard free from waste paper, rubbish, etc. Keep an accurate record of the vacation's work.

(d) Build a backyard trellis, and grow a covering of vines for it in a season's time of not more than four months.

2. Write an account of not less than five hundred words stating how the work was performed.

NOTE: War garden work done in compliance with the above requirements will be credit upon a boy's becoming a first class scout, provided the records show such compliance.