Item Name: Gardening 1920 - 1933

Item ID: Garden-AT08

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1919 until May 1924

1. Do two of the following things:

(a) Operate a garden plot of not less than 20 feet square and show a net profit of not less than $5 on the season's work. Keep an accurate crop report.

(b) Grow 1/20 acre of potatoes. Select ten hills from which seed potatoes are to be taken. Grade potatoes in three divisions-market, medium, and culls. Manufacture the culls into potato starch for home use. Keep an accurate crop report of the vacation's work.

(c) Keep both back and front yard in good condition for the summer vacation of three months, which will include care of garden, flowers, mowing of lawn, keeping the yard free from waste paper, rubbish, etc. Keep an accurate record of the vacation's work.

(d) Build a backyard trellis, and grow a covering of vines for it in a season's time of not more than four months.

2. Write an account of not less than five hundred words stating how the work was performed.

NOTE: War garden work done in compliance with the above requirements will be credit upon a boy's becoming a first class scout, provided the records show such compliance.


Requirements May 1924 until November 1927.

1. Do two of the following things:

(a) Operate a garden plot of not less than 20 feet square and show a net profit of not less than $5 on the season's work. Keep an accurate crop report.

(b) Grow 1/20 acre of potatoes. Select ten hills from which seed potatoes are to be taken. Grade potatoes in three divisions-market, medium, and culls. Manufacture the culls into potato starch for home use. Keep an accurate crop report of the season's work.

(c) Keep both back and front yard in good condition for the summer vacation of three months, which will include care of garden, flowers, mowing of lawn, keeping the yard free from waste paper, rubbish, etc. Keep an accurate record of the vacation's work.

(d) Build a backyard trellis, and grow a covering of vines for it in a season's time of not more than four months.

2. Write an account of not less than five hundred words stating how the work was performed.


Requirements January 1928 until June 1931

1. Do two of the following things:

(a) Operate a garden plot of not less than 20 feet square and show a net profit of not less than $5 on the season's work. Keep an accurate crop report and show exhibit of garden products produced.

(b) Grow 1/20 acre of potatoes or other garden crops such as tomatoes, sweet corn and popcorn. Select the hills from which seed potatoes are to be taken. Grade potatoes in three divisions-market, medium, and culls. Keep an accurate crop report of the season's work.

(c) Keep both back and front yard in good condition for the summer vacation of three months, which will include care of garden, flowers and shrubs, mowing of lawn, keeping the yard neat and clean. Keep an accurate record of the vacation's work.

(d) Build a backyard trellis, and grow a covering of vines for it in a season's or year's time.

2. Submit a detailed account stating how the work chosen was performed.


Comply with the 4H Club or Home Project Requirements in Corn Production as follows:

1. Own or rent ground of 1 acre as required by leaders.
2. Do all work on crop for one season.
3. Keep accurate cost account records.
4. Exhibit products as required by state and county leaders in charge.
5. Make a complete report of his records and experiences as required by leaders.


Requirements April 1932 until October 1939

1. Do two of the following things:

(a) Operate a garden plot of not less than 20 feet square and show a net profit of not less than $5 on the season's work. Keep an accurate crop report and show exhibit of garden products produced.

(b) Grow 1/20 acre of potatoes or other garden crops such as tomatoes, sweet corn and popcorn. Select the hills from which seed potatoes are to be taken. Grade potatoes in three divisions-market, medium and culls. Keep an accurate crop report of the season's work.

(c) Keep both back and front yards in good condition for the summer vacation of three months, which will include care of garden, flowers and shrubs, mowing the lawn, keeping the yard neat and clean. Keep an accurate record of the vacation's work.

(d) Build a back-yard trellis, and grow a covering of vines for it in a season's or year's time.

2. Submit a detailed account stating how the work chosen was performed.


Comply with the 4H Club or Home Project Requirements in Gardening as follows:

1. Own or rent ground as required by leaders.
2. Do all work on garden for one season.
3. Keep accurate cost account records.
4. Exhibit products as required by state and county leaders in charge.
5. Make a complete report of his records and experiences as required by leaders.