Item Name: Gardening 1942 - 1945

Item ID: Garden-D4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements October 1939 until September 1944

To obtain this Merit Badge, a Scout must meet Requirement No. 4 and any other four of the seven following requirements:

1. Name and explain the food value of each:

(a) 5 kinds of root vegetables.
(b) 3 common garden herbs and 3 leafy vegetable greens grown in his locality.

2. Make a plate and blotter tester for garden seed and explain how vitality tests are made. Test 100 garden seed in this tester and show vitality record.

3. Make a hot bed not less than 4 ft. long x 3 ft. wide; fill and prepare its seed bed for planting.

4. Raise from seed in a box or cold frame 20 of each of two of the following vegetables and transplant them to a garden plot: tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes, cabbage, lettuce.

5. Demonstrate how to control at least three insects or diseases injurious to vegetable crops.

6. Demonstrate how to clean, grade, and bunch or pack for market any three vegetables.

7. Exhibit at least three kinds of high quality vegetables, one variety of each, at community, county, state fair or other public event.


Comply with 4-H Club or Home Project requirements in Vegetable Gardening by carrying out one of the following projects, viz., A or B:

(A) Operate a garden of not less than 400* square feet. Grow at least six (6) different kinds of vegetables. Make a diagram of the garden with records of varieties used, planting and maturity dates, and quantities harvested. Keep a brief running account of operations for the garden as a whole and for the various crops.

(B) Grow 1/20 acres or more of a single vegetable crop, such as tomatoes, potatoes, sweet corn or popcorn. Keep record of how he grows the crop from planting to harvest, and of costs, yields and returns.

In both A and B record must be submitted and completed project approved by leaders in charge of 4-H Club Work or agriculture teacher in charge of Home Project Work.

* Garden size should conform to minimum standards set by State, County or School Leaders.

Any Scout not a member of a 4-H Club or agricultural class may if he wishes, qualify by fulfilling A or B, provided Merit Badge Counselor and local leaders of 4-H Clubs or agricultural teachers agree that the work has been properly done.


Requirements September 1944 until January 1957

1. Grow at least six vegetables in the family garden, or other suitable plot, from preparation of soil through harvesting.

2. State the food value of nine common vegetables, including three root or tuber crops, 3 vegetables which bear (fruits) above ground and 3 leafy greens.

3. Tell what he did to control insects or diseases which attacked his garden. Tell where and how to use a contact insecticide, a stomach poison and a fungicide.

4. Do THREE of the following: (a) Test 100 garden seeds for germination; (b) make a hotbed or cold-frame, or grow plants in same; (c) clean, grade, bunch or pack any three vegetables for market; (d) exhibit one or more of the vegetables he has grown, at a harvest festival, fair, or other suitable occasion; (e) make a storage bin or pit for home use; (f) preserve or store a portion of the crop grown, and describe the process (g) carry out equivalent project approved by the Counselor.


Comply with 4-H or Home Demonstration Projects or Home Project Requirements in Vegetable Gardening.