Item Name: Gardening 2002 - 2009

Item ID: Garden-J1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements July 1980 until January 2003

1. Do the following:

(a) Grow six vegetables, three from seeds and three from seedlings, through harvesting.
(b) Grow six flowers, three from seeds and three from seedlings, through flowering.

2. Give the food value of the following:

(a) Three root or tuber crops.
(b) Three fruits or vegetables which bear above the ground.
(c) Three leafy greens.

3. Tell what you did to control insects or diseases. Tell where and how to use a contact insecticide, a stomach poison, and a fungicide.

4. Do THREE of the following:

(a) Test 100 garden seeds for germination.
(b) Make a hotbed or cold frame, and grow plants in same.
(c) Clean, bunch, or pack any three vegetables for market.
(d) Enter one of the vegetables or flowers you have grown in a show, fair, or festival.
(e) Make a storage bin or pit for home use.  Store part of a crop you have grown.  Describe the process.


Requirements January 2003 until January 2013

1. Do the following:

(a) Grow six vegetables, three from seeds and three from seedlings, through harvesting.
(b) Grow six flowers, three from seeds and three from seedlings, through flowering.

2. Give the food value of the following:

(a) Three root or tuber crops.
(b) Three fruits or vegetables which bear above the ground.
(c) Three fruits.

3. Test 100 seeds for germination. Determine the percentage of seeds that germinate. Explain why you think some did not germinate.

4. Visit your country extension agent’s office, local university agricultural college, nursery, or a botanical garden or arboretum. Report on what you learned.

5. Identify five garden pests (insects, diseased plants). Recommend two solutions for each pest. At least one of the two solutions must be an organic method.

6. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Build a compost bin and maintain it for 90 days.
(b) Build a vermipost bin (worm compost bin) and maintain it for 90 days.
(c) Build a hydroponic garden containing three vegetables or herbs, or three ornamental plants. Maintain this garden through harvest or flowering, or for 90 days.
(d) Build one water garden, either in a container (at least 12 by 6 inches and 6 inches deep), or in the ground as a small, decorative pond no larger than 6 by 3 feet and 24 inches deep. Maintain the water garden for 90 days.