Item Name: Handicapped Awareness 1979

Item ID: HanAwa-H3

Collector Rating: 1

Requirements July 1980 until September 1985

1. Visit an agency that works with the physically, sensory, or mentally handicapped.  Collect their publications about their activities on behalf of their members.  Learn what is being done through training, employment, and education of their members.

2. For a 1-hour period, under each of the following handicapping conditions, go about your normal routines-studying, listening to TV, doing your chores around your home.  Keep a record of your limitations as well as how you adjusted to the problems that were created.  Tell your responses and reaction after doing this.

(a) Hearing impairment-muffle your ears with bandages.

(b) Sight impairment-blindfold you eyes.

(c) Manual impairment-immobilize your writing arm so it can't be used normally.

(d) Mobility impairment-immobilize one leg so it can't be used normally.

3. Spend 15 hours within a 3-month period with either (a) a sheltered workshop for adults with a handicapping condition, or (b) a special Cub Scout pack or Boy Scout troop.  Learn about their activities, assist the leaders, and work with the members of the group.

4. Locate and study literature about the accessibility or non-accessibility to the handicapped in the following:

(a) Five places with good accessibility,

(b) Five places with poor accessibility,

(c) Your school or church, and

(d) Your Scout camping site.

5. Display in a public place the material you have collected so others can be made more aware of handicapped citizens.

6. Make a commitment to your merit badge counselor as to what you will do in the future for those people with handicapping conditions.