Item Name: Handicraft 1939 - 1943

Item ID: Handic-C5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1929 until December 1943

To obtain a Merit Badge for Handicraft, a Scout must meet any 18 of the following requirements:

1. Paint a door or a piece of furniture.

2. Whitewash or calcimine a ceiling.

3. Repair gas fittings.

4. Repair sash lines.

5. Repair window and door fastenings.

6. Replace gas mantles, or fuse plugs, and electric light bulbs.

7. Replace washers.

8. Solder.

9. Hang pictures and curtains.

10. Repair window shades.

11. Repair curtains or portiere rods.

12. Lay carpets.

13. Mend clothing.

14. Mend upholstery.

15. Repair furniture.

16. Repair china.

17. Sharpen knives.

18. Repair gates or sagging doors.

19. Repair screens on windows and doors.

20. Varnish floor or wood work, or varnish furniture.

21. Wax on polish floor.

22. Set glass.

23. Clean out a sink trap.