Item Name: Hiking 1947 - 1960

Item ID: Hiking-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1946 until September 1962     

1. Take five hikes of ten continuous miles each, on five separate days.

2. After sufficient training, take one hike of twenty continuous miles in one day.

3. Within a month of the final hike submit a short report of each of the six hikes, containing dates, routes traveled, weather conditions, and interesting things observed.

4. Demonstrate proper walking techniques with and without a pack. Explain the main points of good hiking practice, including care of feet and toe nails, type of clothing, foot-wear and stockings, prevention and care of blisters, safety on the road and in the use of water for drinking.

5. Submit a written plan for a ten-mile hike, based upon a map, (preferably a topographical map), including description of route, list of necessary clothing and equipment, and list of ingredients of a suitable luncheon meal.


Requirements September 1962 until June 1972

1. Explain and demonstrate where possible, the main points of good hiking practices, including care of feet and toenails, and blister treatment, type of clothing, footgear and stockings or socks, proper method of walking both with and without pack, and safety precautions as to road travel, safe drinking water, and cooking fires.

2. Submit a written plan for a 10-mile hike, including map route, clothing and equipment list, and list of ingredients for a trail lunch.

3. Take five hikes of 10 continuous miles each, on 5 separate days.

4. After sufficient training and hiking practice, take a hike of 20 continuous miles in 1 day.

5. Within a month of the final hike and after completion of all six hikes, submit a short report of each of the six hikes, containing dates, routes traveled, weather conditions, and any interesting things you observed.