Item Name: Hog and Pork Production 1947 - 1958

Item ID: HogPor-E1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1944 until June 1948

1. Visit five or more farms and name and describe two to five breeds of hogs found on the farms visited.

2. Confer with meat market men and from their instruction draw a diagram of a hog, and mark and name the parts for butcher classification and sale of pork products.

3. Explain the different uses of hog products for both commerce and food.

4. Salt at least 2 pounds of pork or smoke 2 pounds of ham, and explain method.

5. Describe life history of one breed of hog observed at fair stock show or on farm.

6. Write out a balanced ration for fattening hogs, and give reason for its preparation.

7. Explain fully symptoms of hog cholera and preventive measures used.

8. Name the different kinds of food rations needed for hogs from weaning time to market.


Comply with the 4-H Club or Home Project Requirements in the Pig Club as follows:

1. Own a pig or hog.
2. Do all the work in its care and management.
3. Keep accurate account records.
4. Exhibit the pig or hog as required by state and county leaders in charge.
5. Make complete report at end of season or year as required by leaders.


Requirements June 1948 until January 1957

1. Visit five or more farms and name and describe two to five breeds of hogs found on the farms visited.

2. Confer with meat market men and from their instruction draw a diagram of a hog, and mark and name the parts for butcher classification and sale of pork products.

3. Explain the different uses of hog products for both commerce and food.

4. Salt at least 2 pounds of pork or smoke 2 pounds of ham, and explain method.

5. Attend state or county fair, and describe life history of one breed of hogs shown at such fair.

6. Write out a balanced ration for fattening hogs, and give reason for its preparation.

7. Explain fully symptoms of hog cholera and preventive measures used.

8. Name the different kinds of food rations needed for hogs from weaning time to market.


Comply with the 4H Club or Home Project Requirements in the Pig Club.


Requirements January 1957 until November 1959

1. Explain to your counselor the importance of hog and pork production nationally and in your own state.  Describe the type of hog in greatest demand by the consumer.  Submit a rough sketch showing the principal cuts of pork.

2. Give satisfactory evidence that you have raised or helped raise hogs.  Give four rules for success in hog production based on your own experience.  Outline what you consider general good management in breeding methods and care in ensuring healthy litters, with minimum loss before weaning, including labor-saving methods.

3. Write an essay of at least 200 words on sanitation, food, water, shade, and pasture and explain why grains alone are not an adequate food.  Outline in writing the proper feeding from the breeding period through weaning of a litter of pigs.  Discuss fattening and growth.

4. Describe two breeds of hog with which you are personally familiar.  Name at least two other breeds.  Visit a farm where hog raising is a major project, or visit a packing plant or stockyards; describe your visit.

5. Describe symptoms of two hog diseases and two parasites.  Tell what you should do on discovering these symptoms.  Explain how roundworm infestation can be prevented.

6. Tell how to prepare and show a hog for exhibit in fair or stock show.

* As a 4-H'er, complete a club project in this subject.  Or as an FFA member, meet these or equivalent requirements through the FFA supervised farming program.