Item Name: Horsemanship 1913- 1921

Item ID: Horsem-AH4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914


1. Demonstrate riding at a walk, trot, and gallop.


2. Know how to saddle and bridle a horse correctly.

3. Know how to water and feed and to what amount, and how to groom a horse properly.

4. Know how to harness a horse correctly in single or double harness and to drive.

5. Have a knowledge of the power of endurance of horses at work and know the local regulations concerning driving.

6. Know the management and care of horses.

7. Be able to identify unsoundness and blemishes.

8. Know the evils of bearing or check reins and of ill-fitting harness or saddlery.

9. Know two common causes of, and proper remedies for, lameness, and know to whom he should refer cases of cruelty and abuse.

10. Be able to judge as to the weight, height, and age of horses; know three breeds and their general characteristics.

Requirements October 1914 until April 1923

1. Give the common name for the right and left sides of a horse, and state, using the common name, what side of a horse is habitually approached, and how to act while doing so.

2. State principal temperamental requirements of a good horse, also principal external points of a horse, and point out on a live horse thirty important points.

3. Know what defects and blemishes are. State the most common defects and blemishes, and how he would treat them.

4. Explain how he would examine a horse for soundness; and state the opinions of horsemen on the degrees of soundness.

5. Give several common diseases of the horse, the symptoms thereof, and the treatment.

6. State fully what he knows of the stable management and the care of a horse.

7. Point out ten important parts of the saddle, and show how he would put it on and remove it.

8. Point out ten important parts of the bridle, and show how he would fit, put it on, and take it off.

9. Illustrate on a horse the correct way of mounting and the correct position in a saddle.

10. Know the aids in riding and how they are used. Illustrate on a horse how he would move forward, increase or decrease the gait, halt, back, and change direction.