Item Name: Landscape Architecture 1967 - 1968

Item ID: LanArc-G1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1967 until January 1969

1. Describe the following to your counselor: landscape architect; landscape contractor, nurseryman; and maintenance gardener.

2. Make a scale drawing, to a scale of 1/8 inch equals 1 foot, of your residence grounds. Locate all structures such as the house, garage, barn, shelters, etc. (Note: If this is not possible, the Scout can make a drawing of friend's home grounds or other area as approved by the counselor.)

(a) Using the above as a base plan, make a landscape development plan for this area. This may revise existing walks, drives, walls, fences, or plantings as you may choose.

(b) On your drawing, indicate flow lines for drainage of surface water.

3. On an overlay of Requirement 2 prepare a planting plan. Plant list should include at least two kinds of deciduous trees, evergreen trees, deciduous shrubs, and evergreen shrubs.

4. Name 10 shrubs, 10 trees, 5 ground covers, 5 perennials, and 5 annuals suitable for landscape planting in your community and describe their growth habits and soil and climate requirements.

(a) Know the difference between evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees and give an example of each.

(b) Describe the difference between broadleaf evergreen and coniferous evergreen shrubs and trees and give an example of each.

(c) Know the difference between perennials and annuals.

5. Know how to read topographic maps and describe to the counselor the importance of grading for drainage and good appearance.

6. Visit an example of landscape architectural design and describe how the landscape architect has contributed to it. For example, this may be a shopping center, industrial park, parkway, residential area, freeway, college campus, school grounds, camp, military establishment, park, urban renewal project, or other planned community.