Item Name: Landscaping 1961 - 1966

Item ID: Landsc-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1961 until September 1967

1. Describe two examples of landscape in your locality and tell what improvement, if any, you would suggest.

2. Explain how at least five trees have been used for landscaping in your community. Give several of their advantages and disadvantages.

3. Give the main characteristics of at least fifteen shrubs used either in formal or informal landscape work.

4. (a) Make a working drawing or model of a portion of the grounds around your own home using planting of your own selection- to blot out some untidy place such as laundry yard, garbage can, compost heap, back porch, or other ugly view. Carry out this project, OR (b) make a working drawing of a flower garden, arranging plants so there will be continuous showing of flowers for a season. Plant and take care of it.

5. Keep a record of the project (4a), or garden (4b), showing time it took, cost of shrubs, seeds, plants, trellis, wood, etc.

This merit badge may be earned as a 4-H'er by completing a club project in that subject or as an FFA member by meeting these requirements through the FFA supervised farming program.