Item Name: Marksmanship

Item ID: Marksm-1910

Collector Rating: 5

Passed the following test for miniature rifle shooting: - Score not less than 114 points in 30 shots. The 30 shots may all be fired at 20, 25, 50, or 100 yards, or in a series of 10 at each of three distances, or in a series of 10 at one distance and a series of 20 at another distance , but not necessity on the same day. N.R.A.standard targets to be used. Scoring: Bull’s-eye, 5 points; Inner, 4 points; Magpie, 3 points; Outer, 2 points. Or as alternative - Pass the test for shooting with the crossbow. See Scout Chart, #17. Price $.15 post-free. Also. - Judge distance on unknown ground: five distances between 50 and 300 yards, five between 300 600 yards, with not more than an error of 15% on the average.