Item Name: Marksmanship 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Marksm-AH2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Qualify as a marksman in accordance with the regulations of the National Rifle Association.


Requirements October 1914 until December 1917

1. Know the Boy Scout marksmanship code and agree to follow same. (See page 54.)

2. Make not less than 38 points standing, out of a possible 50 points in ten shots; and 42 points prone, out of a possible 50 points in ten shots; or a total score of 80 points out of a possible 100, at a distance of fifty feet from the end of the rifle to the target. (See note 2 for conditions.)

3. Must produce evidence that all practice and the test have been conducted under a range officer whose appointment has been approved by the National Court of Honor.

(1) The Boy Scout Marksman Code

I hereby promise upon my honor NEVER to

1. Thoughtlessly point my gun at any human being under any circumstances.

2. Handle a fire-arm without first examining to make certain it is empty.

3. Load a fire-arm while persons are in front of me.

4. Shoot at or kill a harmless animal or bird for the mere pleasure of killing.

5. Skylark with fire-arms in hand or while engaged in target practice.

6. Engage in aiming and snapping the hammer except with the fire-arm pointed toward the target.

7. Shoot in the open without first taking every precaution for the safety of others.

8. Be unsportsmanlike when engaged in contests of skill with fire-arms.

9. Lay aside a fire-arm without cleaning after being used.

10. Take anything for granted and always bear the above rules in mind.

(2) Conditions

RIFLE: Any single-shot, 22-calibre rifle with sightings other than telescopic in front of firing pin, weighing not over ten pounds, recommended.

TARGET: Fifty-foot Junior Marksmanship target, two to five counts. These will be supplied through the courtesy of the National Rifle Association upon application to National Headquarters.

POSITION: Standing: All parts of the body to be free from artificial support.

Prone: Head toward target; forearm and rifle must be free from all artificial support. Use of strap allowed in the prone position only.


Requirements December 1918 until August 1922

1. Know the Boy Scout marksmanship code and agree to follow same. (See page 55.)

2. Make not less than 38 points standing, out of a possible 50 points in ten shots; and 42 points prone, out of a possible 50 points in ten shots; or a total score of 80 points out of a possible 100, at a distance of fifty feet from the end of the rifle to the target. (See note 2 for conditions.)

3. Must produce evidence that all practice and the test have been conducted under a range officer whose appointment has been approved by the National Court of Honor.

(1) The Boy Scout Marksman Code

I hereby promise upon my honor NEVER to

1. Thoughtlessly point my gun at any human being under any circumstances.

2. Handle a fire-arm without first examining to make certain it is empty.

3. Load a fire-arm while persons are in front of me.

4. Shoot at or kill a harmless animal or bird for the mere pleasure of killing.

5. Skylark with fire-arms in hand or while engaged in target practice.

6. Engage in aiming and snapping the hammer except with the fire-arm pointed toward the target.

7. Shoot in the open without first taking every precaution for the safety of others.

8. Be unsportsmanlike when engaged in contests of skill with fire-arms.

9. Lay aside a fire-arm without cleaning after being used.

10. Take anything for granted and always bear the above rules in mind.

(2) Conditions

RIFLE: Any single-shot, 22-calibre rifle with sightings other than telescopic in front of firing pin, weighing not over ten pounds, recommended.

TARGET: Fifty-foot Junior Marksmanship target, two to five counts. These will be supplied through the courtesy of the National Rifle Association upon application to National Headquarters.

POSITION: Standing: All parts of the body to be free from artificial support.

Prone: Head toward target; forearm and rifle must be free from all artificial support. Use of strap allowed in the prone position only.

The use of official targets equivalent to the above is allowed.