Item Name: Mechanical Drawing 1961 - 1964

Item ID: MecDra-F

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1952 until September 1963

1. Make a preliminary rough sketch drawn to approximate scale and from it submit a finished accurate scale floor plan of your troop meeting room, or a room in your church building, school, or home, such drawings to be properly titled and to indicate by accepted conventional symbols, all openings, equipment, safety devices, etc. List drawing instruments used.

2. Submit an accurate scale drawing of some piece of craftwork for use in home, school, troop meeting place, or camp, which is sufficiently clear and detailed to be used by someone else as a working basis for making the article; drawing to include a bill of material with an estimate of cost for such craft article.

3. Submit drawings made by yourself of each of the following: (a) orthographic projections and an isometric projection, of an object other than those specified in Requirements No. 1 and No. 2; (b) reduce or enlarge a simple scale drawing approved by your counselor, indicating the scale of enlargement or reduction you have used.

4. Make ink tracing of craft article in Requirement No. 2 and submit cost of reproducing drawing by blueprinting, or photostating, or other method of reproduction.

5. Describe the subject of your drawing in Requirement No. 2 in ink printing of not less than twenty-five words, using single stroke vertical or slant Gothic letters