Item Name: Motorboating 1961 - 1972

Item ID: Motorb-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1961 until June 1972

1. Demonstrate your knowledge of safety regulations regarding motorboating: (a) Possess a permit to operate a motorboat, if required. (b) Explain federal, state, and local laws affecting pleasure boating in your area. (c) Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the counselor that before going afloat you know about any unusual features or hazards of the body of water to be cruised. (d) Pledge that you will live up to the Scout Boating Code and explain your understanding of the meaning of each point of the code. (e) Explain and demonstrate, as many as possible, the rules of the road and describe aids to navigation (lights, buoys, etc.) used in your locality. (f) Examine the condition of the following safety equipment: approved lifesaving device for each person on board; approved fire extinguisher; lights; oars or paddles; tool kit; replacement sheer pins and spark plugs; horn, whistle, or other sound signal; compass; anchor and line; safety chain (for outboard motor); first aid kit; bilge pump or similar device that can be used for bailing. (g) Explain and demonstrate correct use of this equipment.

2. Demonstrate your skill in correctly operating a motorboat by: (a) Boarding boat properly. (b) Fueling and checking motor before starting. (c) Starting motor and getting under way from a pier or a beach. (d) Running a straight course for a quarter mile, then making right-angled turns to left or right; then making a U turn to permit retracing original course to recover objects lost overboard. (e) Stopping boat, dropping anchor, weighing anchor, and getting under way. (f) Coming alongside of a pier and tying up or beaching.

3. Demonstrate how to: (a) Tie up or remove boat from water. (b) Store gear properly. (c) Prepare motor for the winter.