Item Name: Motorboating 1978 - 1990

Item ID: Motorb-H4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until August 1982

1. Before doing other requirements, swim 100 yards as follows: 75 yards with any strokes. Then 25 yards on your back using an easy resting stroke. Then rest by floating as still as you can for 1 minute.

2. Show you know safety laws for motorboating:

(a) Have a permit to run a motorboat, if needed.

(b) Explain laws affecting pleasure boating in your area.

(c) Show that before going in a boat you know about any features or hazards of the body of water to be cruised.

(d) Promise that you will live up to the Scout Boating Code. Explain the meaning of each point.

(e) Explain and show, as many as possible, the rules of the road. Describe aids to navigation used where you cruise.

(f) Examine the condition of the following safety gear: Life-saving device for each person on board. Fire extinguisher. Lights. Oars or paddles. Tool kit. Extra shear pins and spark plugs. Horn, whistle, or other sound signals. Compass. Anchor and line. Safety chain (for outboard motor). First aid kid. Bilge pump or similar device that can be used for bailing.

(g) Explain and show correct use of this gear.

3. Show you know how to run a motorboat by doing the following the right way:

(a) Get in a boat.
(b) Fuel and check motor before starting.
(c) Start motor and get under way from a dock or beach.
(d) Run a straight course for a quarter mile. Make right angle turns to left or right. Make a U turn.
(e) Stop boat. Drop anchor. Raise it. Get under way.
(f) Come alongside a dock. Tie up or beach.

4. Show how to:

(a) Tie up or take boat from water.
(b) Store gear.
(c) Prepare motor for the winter.


Requirements August 1982 until September 1995

1. Before doing other requirements, successfully complete the BSA swimmer test. Jump feet first into water over your head in depth, swim 75 yards or 75 meters in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: side stroke, breast stroke, trudgen, or crawl, then swim 25 yards or 25 meters using an easy, resting backstroke. The 100 yards or 100 meters must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating as motionless as possible.

2. Show you know safety laws for motorboating:

(a) Have a permit to run a motorboat, if needed.
(b) Explain laws affecting pleasure boating in your state.
(c) Discuss with your counselor how the hazards of weather and heavy water conditions can affect both safety and performance in motorboating.
(d) Promise that you will live up to the Scout Boating Code. Explain the meaning of each point.
(e) Discuss with your counselor the nautical rules of the road and describe the national and your state aids to navigation.
(f) Explain and show the correct use of equipment required by both state and federal regulations to be carried aboard a motorboat.
(g) Explain the requirement on federal and state ventilation rules and state why this is needed.

3. Show you know how to run a motorboat by doing the following the right way:

(a) Get in a boat.
(b) Fuel and check motor before starting.
(c) Start motor and get under way from a dock or beach.
(d) Run a straight course for a quarter mile. Make right-angle turns to left or right. Make a U-turn.
(e) Stop boat. Drop anchor. Raise it. Get under way.
(f) Come alongside a dock. Tie up or beach.

4. Show how to:

(a) Tie up or take boat from water.
(b) Store gear.
(c) Prepare motor for the winter.