Item Name: Painting 1947 - 1960

Item ID: Painti-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements March 1927 until June 1952

1. Demonstrate how to combine pigments in order to produce paints in shades and tints of color.

2. Demonstrate how to add positive colors to a base of white lead or of white zinc.

3. Understand the mixing of oils, turpentine, etc., to the proper consistency.

4. Paint a porch floor or other surface evenly and without laps.

5. Know how and when to putty up nail holes and uneven surfaces.

6. Present for inspection a panel covered with three coats of paint, which panel must contain a border of molding, the body of the panel to be painted in one color and the molding in another.

7. Demonstrate a knowledge of the care and proper method of cleaning paint brushes.


Requirements June 1952 until February 1955

1. Demonstrate how to combine pigments in order to produce paints in shades and tints of color.

2. Demonstrate how to add positive colors to a base of white lead or of white zinc.

3. Understand the mixing of oils, turpentine, etc., to the proper consistency.

4. Paint an article of furniture, a section of wall or other surface, evenly and without laps.

5. Know how and when to putty up nail holes and uneven surfaces.

6. Present for inspection a panel covered with three coats of paint, which panel must contain a border of molding, the body of the panel to be painted in one color and the molding in another.

7. Demonstrate a knowledge of the care and proper method of cleaning paint brushes.


Requirements February 1955 until June 1972

1. (a) Explain at least three ways in which a coat of pain can improve a surface. (b) Explain the chief uses of oil, water, and rubber base paints, also enamel, shellac, varnish, and lacquer. Tell what qualities of each make it suited to these uses.

2. Prepare and paint any two of the following items or similar ones approved by your counselor, using satisfactory fillers, priming coats, covering coats, and finishing coats as necessary:

An exterior surface
An interior surface
An article of furniture
A concrete or cement wall
A boat or canoe
A floor
A porch rail or fence
A lawn mower

3. Prepare an old painted surface, containing holes and uneven surfaces, to receive and retain a new coat of paint.

4. Add colors to a white paint base so as to produce paints of two predetermined colors that harmonize. With these paint properly one of the following items in two colors: model plane, birdhouse, furniture, serving tray, dollhouse, picture frame, or similar useful item approved by your counselor.

5. Demonstrate the proper methods for using, cleaning, and storing a paintbrush, paint roller, or spray gun.