Item Name: Personal Fitness 1952 - 1960

Item ID: PerFit-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1952 until September 1963

*1. Before you attempt to meet any other requirements, have your doctor give you a thorough health examination, including a vision test, using the standard Scout Medical Examination form. Describe the examination to your Counselor and tell him what questions you asked about your health, what advice and recommendations your doctor made and what you have done about them.

*2. Have an examination made by your dentist, and submit a statement certifying that your teeth have been examined and properly cared for.

3. Demonstrate that you have a good understanding of physical and mental health by answering questions asked by your Counselor on the following:

  1. Reasons for being fit.
  2. Normal differences in rate of growth and development.
  3. What it means to be mentally healthy. Discuss three healthy personality traits.
  4. The need for pasteurization of mile, the sanitary control of water and the sanitary disposal of human waste.
  5. Basic food essential to the daily diet of a person of your age.
  6. Cleanliness of the hands, food and dishes in the control of illness.
  7. Effects of tobacco and alcohol.
  8. Illnesses against which you may be immunized.

4. Present a list of your personal health habits including:

  1. Number of hours of sleep.
  2. Care of your skin, hands, finger nails, toe nails.
  3. Care of your eyes.
  4. Care of your teeth.
  5. Prevention of accidents in your home.

5. Demonstrate six exercises suitable for all-round physical development, including those that strengthen the muscles of your arms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, back, and one to increase your endurance.

6. Demonstrate proficiency in two individual sports such as the following: Badminton, Bowling, Canoeing (one man), Diving, Golf, Handball, Horseback Riding, Rowing (one man), Skating, Skiing, Squash, Tennis, Table Tennis, Track or Field Sports, Tumbling, Wrestling.

7. Swim 100 yards.

8. Demonstrate proficiency in one of the following team events played according to the published rules of the game: Baseball (hard ball or soft ball), Basketball, Football (eleven-man or six-man), Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Volley Ball.

9. Demonstrate that you can meet the following physical fitness tests after you have trained for each of them regularly on at least four days a week for four weeks.





17 and over
















Vertical Wall Jump





Present evidence that you have trained for this run for four consecutive weeks in the following way:

  1. For two weeks (minimum_-four days each week) run or jog at least the prescribed distance without checking time.
  2. For the next two weeks (minimum_-four days each week) run the distance for time, gradually increasing speed. Submit a record of all these time trials.

Standard to be met at the end of training period:





17 and over


½ mile

¾ mile

1 mile

1 mile


4 min

6 min

7 ½ min

7 min


* In keeping with established policy, it is understood that where compliance with the health and/or dental requirements, Nos. 1 and 2, is in violation of the religious convictions of the individual, such requirement or requirements will be set aside on the presentation of a certification by the boy's parents and proper Church official that:

(a) a definite violation of religious conviction is involved, and

(b) The parents accept full responsibility for any consequences of such exemption and release the Boy Scouts of America from any responsibility.