Item Name: Personal Health 1911

Item ID: PerHea-1911

Collector Rating: 10

Additional Info:

Earned By: Richard Burckes, Waltham, Mass.; George Hesse, Utica, N. Y.; Earl Marx, 1654 Main St. Jacksonville, Fla.; Harris Berlack, 218 W. Ashley St., Jacksonville, Fla.; Robert Earl Dean, Room 583 Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla.; Bruce K. Brown, Wilmette, 111; Kingsley L. Rice, Wilmette, 111.; William Kleinpell, Wilmette, 111.; Ralph S. Patten, Wilmette, 111.

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Write a statement on the care of the teeth.

2. State a principle to govern in eating, and state in the order of their importance, five rules to govern the care of his health.

3. Be able to tell the difference in effect of a cold and hot bath.

4. Describe the effect of alcohol and tobacco on the growing boy.

5. Tell how to care for the feet on a march.

6. Describe a good healthful game and state its merit.

7. Describe the effects of walking as an exercise.

8. Tell how athletics may be overdone.