Item Name: Personal Health 1942 - 1945

Item ID: PerHea-D4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1, 1938 until June 1948. Between September 7, 1937 and January 1, 1938 these requirements were optional

1. Submit evidence of having had a medical examination within one year.

2. (a) Show proper method of brushing teeth and discuss the importance of dental care to general health.

(b) Give evidence of and discuss proper care of hands and feet; tell how to care for the feet on a hike; how to guard against infection known as "Athlete's Foot"; explain the value of (1) a shoe made on a Munson last and (2) wool stockings for winter wear and in wet weather.

(c) Explain importance (1) washing hands after leaving toilet as well as before eating; (2) frequent soap baths, particularly after hard exercise; (3) daily elimination, and discuss methods by which the body disposes of its wastes.

3. (a) Make up a bed on the ground or floor showing how to get the most benefit from (1) ground cloth and two blankets; (2) ground cloth and one blanket.

(b) Name at least five devices (other than bed clothes) for maintaining body heat while sleeping in cold weather; discuss methods of ventilating a sleeping-room.

(c) Give number of hours of sleep considered necessary for a person his age; tell why a person should sleep by himself, and what distance should separate the beds of sleepers.

4. Demonstrate proper breathing and explain how it affects health.

5. Explain how disease is transmitted by: drinking water, common drinking cups, dirty dishes, dirty dish towels, soiled bath towels, unpasteurized milk, personal contact.

6. Explain what foods are considered essential in the daily diet of a person his age; explain the harm of eating between meals, eating irregularly, too much candy, rich or excessively sweetened food.

7. Explain danger of (1) taking a laxative when suffering from pain in stomach; (2) neglecting any break in the surface of the skin; (3) opening or squeezing a pimple.

8. Give three good reasons why alcohol and tobacco are harmful to a growing boy.

9. Discuss the value of self-control to general health.