Item Name: Photography 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Photog-AH5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. Have a knowledge of the theory and use of lenses, of the construction of cameras, and the action of developers.

2. Take, develop, and print twelve separate subjects: three interiors, three portraits, three landscapes, and three instantaneous "action photos."

3. Make a recognizable photograph of any wild bird larger than a robin, while on its nest; or a wild animal in its native haunts; or a fish in the water.

Requirements October 1914 until January 1924

1. Have a knowledge of the use of lenses, of the construction of cameras, of the effect of light upon the sensitive film, and the action of developers.>

2. Have a knowledge of several printing processes, and their relative advantages.>

3. Take, develop, and print twelve separate subjects, -three interiors, three portraits, three landscapes, and three instantaneous "action photos.">

4. Make a recognizable photograph of any wild bird larger than a robin; or a wild animal in its native haunts; or a fish in the water.>