Item Name: Photography 1920 - 1933

Item ID: Photog-AT1

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements October 1914 until January 1924

1. Have a knowledge of the use of lenses, of the construction of cameras, of the effect of light upon the sensitive film, and the action of developers.

2. Have a knowledge of several printing processes, and their relative advantages.

3. Take, develop, and print twelve separate subjects,--three interiors, three portraits, three landscapes, and three instantaneous "action photos."

4. Make a recognizable photograph of any wild bird larger than a robin; or a wild animal in its native haunts; or a fish in the water.


Requirements May 1924 until April 1929

1. Have a knowledge of the principles of camera construction, what the camera lens does, of the effect of light upon the sensitive film and the action of developers.

2. Have a knowledge of the principal uses of photography.

3. Recognize by examination an under-exposed, over-exposed and correctly exposed negative.

4. Make six correctly exposed negatives of each of the following subjects: Landscapes; Persons or Animals; Interiors; Buildings.

5. Submit one print of good average quality from each of the above negatives, and have a knowledge of the printing papers used.


Requirements August 1929 until September 1935

1. Demonstrate knowledge of what a camera is and his familiarity with its essential parts, and explain the purpose of each of the following:

Finder, lens, shutter, diaphragm opening, bellows, focusing scale.

2. Understand the basic principles of composition, explaining such points as harmonious grouping of objects or individuals, careful selection of background, good handling of light and shade.

3. Submit twelve good quality pictures taken by himself, but not necessarily finished by himself, demonstrating his knowledge of the principles stated in Requirement 2. Not more than six pictures may be submitted from any one of the following groups, and the collection must include one from each group.

Group A--Landscapes or water pictures.
Group B--Groups of persons or animals.
Group C--Person; domestic animal or bird; wild animal or bird; article made by Scout for some Scout Requirement.
Group D--Architectural subjects or street scenes.

4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the steps required in the developing and printing process.