Item Name: Photography 1978 - 1990

Item ID: Photog-H4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until August 1982

1. Tell what makes a good picture. Show your understanding of these as you take pictures for No. 2.

2. Do EITHER a or b.

(a) Take 10 good black-and-white or color pictures. Do the following:

(1) Take from three to five of these pictures indoors with flash.
(2) Take at least 5 of the 10 pictures so they tell a story.
(3) Show your pictures to your counselor in an organized way.

(b) Make planning cards and take 50 feet of movie film. Do the following:

(1) Edit your film so you have at least 25 feet of quality movies that tell a story.
(2) Show your edited film to your counselor.

3. Make a pinhole camera. Explain how it works. Obtain one finished print taken with your pinhole camera. Compare it with a print of the same scene which you took with a regular camera. Explain the differences.

4. Explain how photographic film is processed. Tell how black-and-white prints are made.

5. Explain common photographic terms such as lens, shutter, viewfinder, camera angle, exposure, negative, transparency, f-number, and planning card.

6. Describe jobs in photography.


Requirements August 1982 until September 1993

1. Tell what makes a good picture. Show your understanding of these as you take pictures for requirement 2.

2. Do the following:

(a) Take pictures illustrating at least eight of the following picture-taking techniques. Use comparisons to illustrate your points.

(1) Camera steadiness.
(2) Rule of thirds.
(3) Level horizon.
(4) Moving in close_-fill the frame.
(5) Framing.
(6) Direction of light_-front, side, and backlighting.
(7) Quality of light_-flat light, bright sunlight and time of day.
(8) Point of view_-eye level, high and low angle.
(9) Leading lines.
(10) Flash_-proper range and reflective surfaces.

(b) Do one of the following, utilizing techniques of planning a photo report. Start with planning cards; then do your photography and editing, and complete the requirement by presenting your report in an organized manner to your counselor.

(1) Expose a roll of print film and select 5 to 10 good pictures for your picture story. Mount the pictures on a large art board or in a photo album.
(2) Expose 50 feet of movie film and edit it to at least 25 feet of quality movies that tell your story.
(3) Expose a roll of slide film and select 10 or more good slides to tell your story.

3. Explain how photographic film is processed and tell how black-and-white prints are made, or process and print your own pictures and show your counselor, explaining the steps you took.

4. Do the following:

(a) Explain to your counselor the basic parts common to all cameras using a diagram you prepared.

(b) Explain common photographic terms such as lens, shutter, viewfinder, camera angle, exposure, negative, transparency, f/number, and planning card.

5. Describe jobs in photography.