Item Name: Physical Development 1913

Item ID: PhyDev-AH1

Collector Rating: 9

Requirements March 1915 until June 1916

To obtain a merit badge for Physical Development, a scout must:

1. Produce satisfactory evidence of habitual good posture.

2. Have no remediable physical defects uncorrected.

3. Produce satisfactory evidence of daily practice of hygienic habits and a thorough knowledge of a standard book on hygiene.

4. Pass one test in each of the running, jumping, swimming, rope-climbing (or pull-up) events, according to his weight, in the Athletic Schedule (See page 35.)

5. Demonstrate proper form in running high jump, hurdle, and shot-put.

6. Make up a daily drill of ten exercises for scouts, giving proper exercise for whole body; present evidence of having practiced this daily for six months and having taught the same to six or more boys for a period of three months.

7. Demonstrate reasonable efficiency in two outdoor games requiring physical development, and give evidence of having taught at least ten games to a group of boys and know ten more.