Item Name: Pigeon Raising 1947 - 1960

Item ID: PigRai-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements July 1933 until June 1952

1. (a) House at least two flock units (viz., pairs of pigeons), having selected the particular breed or variety of squab, racing, or exhibition pigeon which he has decided to develop as a project for this Merit Badge. Give reasons for such selection.*

(b) Care for such flock units for sufficient time to raise to maturity at least two pairs from each original pair of birds.*

2. (a) Submit rough sketch, drawn to approximate scale, showing size, location, and interior equipment of loft or coop, and aviary;

(b) List and describe briefly equipment he has made.*

3. Submit formula for seeds and grit used, and an outline of a week's schedule of feeding, indicating whether he himself mixes the ration or the commercial brands used.*

4. Submit a brief report covering his method and schedule of sanitation, his experience and success in handling or avoiding diseases, lice and mites, rats, mice and other vermin, and any other difficulties overcome in handling this project.*

5. Present an itemized account of all expenditures for stock, quarters, equipment and other incidental items.

6. Present (a) An itemized account of all birds sold or disposed of during time of this project, or

(b) A list of all entries in flight contests and results secured, or
(c) A list of all entries in exhibitions of fancy pigeons and award or recognition secured in each, or
(d) A statement of flock increase in numbers and approximate value in the current market.

* Note: In the case of Requirements 1, 2, 3 and 4 give the source of information or authority for the course followed, i.e., whether based on reading, visits to lofts, coops or squab farms, or counsel with successful pigeon raisers.


Requirements June 1952 until September 1958

1. (a) House at least two flock units (viz., pairs of pigeons), having selected the particular breed or variety of squab, racing, or exhibition pigeon which you have decided to develop as a project for this merit badge. Give reasons for such selection. (b) Care for such flock units for sufficient time to raise to maturity at least two pairs from each original pair of birds.

2. (a) Submit rough sketch, drawn to approximate scale, showing size, location, and interior equipment of loft or coop, and aviary; (b) List and describe briefly equipment you have made.

3. Submit formula for seeds and grit used, and an outline of a week's schedule of feeding, indicating whether you yourself mix the ration or the commercial brands used.

4. Submit a brief report covering your method and schedule of sanitation, your experience and success in handling or avoiding diseases, lice and mites, rats, mice and other vermin, and any other difficulties overcome in handling this project.

5. Present an itemized account of all expenditures for stock, quarters, equipment and other incidental items.

6. Present (a) an itemized account of all birds sold or disposed of during time of this project, or (b) a list of all entries in flight contests and results secured, or (c) a list of all entries in exhibitions of fancy pigeons and award or recognition secured in each, or (d) a statement of flock increase in numbers and approximate value in the current market.

NOTE: In the case of Requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 give the source of information or authority for the course followed, i.e., whether based on reading, visits to lofts, coops, or squab farms, or counsel with successful pigeon raisers.

* As a 4-H'er, complete a club project in this subject. Or as an FFA member, meet these or equivalent requirements through the FFA supervised farming program.


Requirements September 1958 until September 1963

1. (a) House and care for at least two pairs of pigeons for three months. (b) Keep an accounting on cost of birds, feed, equipment, etc., and of income received from sale of squabs or birds for this same period. (c) Keep complete production records of eggs laid, squabs hatched, sickness, deaths, etc., for this same period.

2. Submit a photograph or drawing of your loft and flypen.

3. List the four fundamental requirements for successful pigeon raising.

4. If you live in city or town, give its ordinances regulating the keeping of pigeons.

5. Describe two breeds of utility pigeons used for squabbing; two fancy breeds used for exhibiting; and two breeds used for flying (racing or high flying).

6. Do one: (a) Pick, dress, and cook at least one squab raised by you. Visit a squab farm and write a 300-word report on it. (b) Enter at least one pigeon owned by you in a pigeon show. Visit a pigeon show and write a 300-word report on it. (c) Enter at least one pigeon owned by you in a pigeon race. Visit a racing loft, or racing club meeting, and write a 300-word report on it.

This merit badge may be earned as a 4-H'er by completing a club project in that subject or as an FFA member by meeting these requirements through the FFA-supervised farming program.