Item Name: Pigeon Raising 1969 - 1972

Item ID: PigRai-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1966 until June 1972

1. Do the following:

(a) House and care for at least two pairs of pigeons for 3 months.

(b) Keep an accounting on cost of birds, feed, equipment, etc., and of income received from sale of squabs or birds for this same period.

(c) Keep complete production records of eggs laid, squabs hatched, sickness, deaths, etc., for this same period.

2. Submit a photograph or drawing of your loft and flypen.

3. List the four fundamental requirements for successful pigeon raising.

4. If you live in city or town, give its ordinances regulating the keeping of pigeons.

5. Describe two breeds of utility pigeons used for squabbing; two fancy breeds used for exhibiting; and two breeds used for flying (racing or high flying).

6. Do ONE of the following three projects:

(a) Pick, dress, and cook at least one squab raised by you. Visit a squab farm and write a three hundred word report on it.

(b) Enter at least one pigeon owned by you in a pigeon show. Visit a pigeon show and write a three hundred word report on it.

(c) Enter at least one pigeon owned by you in a pigeon race. Visit a racing loft, or racing club meeting, and write a three hundred word report on it.

This merit badge may be earned as a 4-H'er by completing a club project in that subject or as an FFA member by meeting these requirements through the FFA-supervised farming program.