Item Name: Pioneering 1961 - 1968

Item ID: Pionee-F

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1953 until September 1963

1. Hand coil length of rope. Describe (a) kinds of rope; (b) care of rope; (c) weakening effect of knots.

2. Tie quickly twelve knots and hitches and explain their specific use in pioneering.

3. Make a long, a short, and an eye splice.

4. Lash spars together properly using square, diagonal, and sheer lashings.

5. (a) Build, without the use of nails, spikes, or wire, a bridge or derrick (capable of supporting two hundred pounds in weight) or other practical pioneering project such as signal tower, monkey bridge, gateway. or (b) Build a shack of one kind or another suitable for three occupants. or (c) Using lashings only, make a model bridge at least 18 inches long and explain the principles involved in its construction.


” A Second Class Scout must first qualify for First Class Scoutcraft Requirement 3 (see page 112).


a. CAMP MAKING--Sharpen an axe and use it for cutting light wood into tent pegs. Locate a tent site and pitch a tent, fastening the guy lines with taut-line hitches. Prepare a comfortable ground bed. Make a piece of camp equipment requiring lashings.

b. CAMP HEALTH--Explain methods used in camp for care of food and drinking water, fire protection, and waste disposal.

c. WOOD LORE--Find ten kinds of wild trees or shrubs. Tell what they are and explain their uses.


Requirements December 1966 until June 1972

1. Build a ropemaking machine. Using heavy twine or other light line, make a 6-foot rope 1/4 inch or more in diameter. Whip the ends to prevent fraying.

2. Hand coil a length of rope. Describe:

(a) Kinds of rope.
(b) Care of rope.
(c) Weakening effect of knots.

3. Tie 12 knots and hitches and explain in detail how to use them in pioneering.

4. Make a short splice, end splice, and eye splice.

5. Make and demonstrate one device for moving heavy logs, rocks, etc., using rope and natural materials; OR using rope, build a conveyor cable system for hauling materials over a ravine or up a steep hillside.

6. Following an approved design and using square, diagonal, and shear lashings, build one of the following: log bridge, signal tower, monkey bridge, shelter, or raft.* Dismantle after use and inspection.

* This project may be done in a camp pioneering area to void cutting live trees. Such trees should never be used without permission of the property owners. Assistance of another Scout in handling larger logs or poles is permissible.