Item Name: Poultry Keeping 1969 - 1972

Item ID: PouKee-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1957 until June 1972

Complete the requirements in one of the following groups:

Rearing Pullets

1. Raise and take care of twenty or more chicks (straight run or pullet) for five months.

2. Keep records on all management practices (feed consumption, mortality, medications, vaccinations) and present them to your merit badge counselor.

3. Tell how to identify three poultry diseases common in your area and how you prevent your pullets from contracting these diseases.

4. Make one piece of equipment (waterer, feeder, brooder, for example) and put it to good use.

5. Describe the brooding house in which you raised your pullets. Explain how you provided for proper sanitation and ventilation.

Flock Management

1. Manage a flock (your own or a neighbor's) of ten or more pullets or hens for six months. Birds should be at least five months old at the start.

2. Keep daily egg production records and records on feed consumption and mortality. Turn these records in to your merit badge counselor.

3. Tell how to identify three poultry diseases common in your area and how you prevent your birds from contracting these diseases. Explain culling.

4. Make one piece of equipment (feeder, waterer, catching hood, roosts, for example) and put it to good use.

5. Candle, grade, and pack two dozen eggs for market.

Poultry Meat Production

1. Raise twenty or more broilers, fryers, roasters, caponettes, capons, turkeys, or ducks to market age.

2. Keep accurate records of feed consumption, mortality, weight gains, etc., and turn them in to your merit badge counselor.

3. Write a concise report on the management of your birds. Include information on brooding, housing sanitation, feeding, and disease control.

4. Make one piece of equipment (feeder, waterer, catching hook, disposal pit, for example) and put it to good use.

5. Kill and dress two birds for market.

* As a 4-H'er, complete a club project in this subject. Or as an FFA member, meet these or equivalent requirements through the FFA supervised farming program.