Item Name: Public Health 1913 - 1921

Item ID: PubHea-AH4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914

1. State what the chief causes of each of the following disease are: tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria.

2. Draw a diagram showing how the house-fly carries disease.

3. Tell what should be done to a house which has been occupied by a person who has had a contagious disease.

4. Tell how a scout may cooperate with the board of health in preventing disease.

5. Describe the method used in his community in disposing of garbage.

6. Tell how a city should protect its foods; milk, meat, and exposed foods.

7. Tell how to plan the sanitary care of a camp.

8. State the reason why school children should undergo a medical examination.


Requirements October 1914 until May 1923

1. State the chief causes and modes of transmission of each of the following diseases: tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria.

2. Draw a diagram showing how the house-fly carries disease.

3. Tell what should be done to a house which has been occupied by a person who has had a contagious disease.

4. Describe the method used in his community in disposing of garbage.

5. Tell how a city should protect its milk, meat, and exposed foods. State what are the laws in his community covering this subject, and to what extent they are being enforced.

6. Tell how to plan the sanitary care of a camp.

7. State the reason why school children should undergo a medical examination.

8. Tell how he may cooperate with the health authorities in preventing disease.

9. Produce satisfactory evidence that he has rendered service in some effort recommended by the public health authorities in the interest of Public Health.