Item Name: Public Speaking 1969 - 1972

Item ID: PubSpe-G

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements November 1969 until June 1972

1. Prepare a manuscript for a speech of at least 750 words:

(a) Tell your counselor (1) the main idea or topic of the speech in one complete sentence, (2) the kind of audience for whom it was prepared, and (3) your purpose, including a specific statement or idea you want the audience to remember about your speech.

(b) Show your counselor for his approval (1) the idea list you used in preparing your outline, (2) the outline, and (3) the final text.

(c) Deliver this speech before an audience.

2. Deliver a 10-minute speech before an audience (on a topic other than the one used in Requirement 1), using at least one kind of visual (or audio) aid.

3. Give an impromptu talk of at least 2 minutes, either as part of the group discussion or before your counselor on a subject interesting to you but for which you do not have time to prepare.

4. Read aloud a selection of 500 words or more, demonstrating your ability to read material you never have seen before.

5. Demonstrate a knowledge of parliamentary procedure either by conducting a discussion or meeting according to accepted rules of order or by answering your counselor's questions on the rules of order.