Item Name: Radio 1947 - 1960

Item ID: Radio-E2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements December 1942 until April 1950

1. Receive and send correctly a straight text at not less than five words (25 letters) per minute.

2. Know what, if any, licenses are required by Federal Law for the operation of (a) a receiving station; (b) a transmitting station.

3. Know at least five of the most frequently used "Q" signals. Explain the meaning of each.

4. (a) Draw a wiring diagram of a complete receiving set for use on short wave with vacuum tube detector and one stage amplifier. Use correct symbols and show all essential apparatus, including antenna and telephones. Describe each detail of apparatus and explain briefly the use of each.

(b) Using the above diagram, explain how this receiving set could be made to operate also as a miniature transmitter.

5. Construct a working receiving set and demonstrate its operation by receiving signals from at least ten different stations.

6. Explain how to install an antenna for use in receiving equipment and how to ground it properly and protect it against lightning and power wires.

NOTE: The holding of an amateur operator's license will exempt the holder from examination on all requirements above except 4. (a) and (b) and 5. Such licenses must be in force at the time the Badge is awarded.


Requirements April 1950 until January 1960

1. Draw a basic wiring diagram of a one-tube receiving set. Use correct symbols and show all essential parts. Describe purpose of each part.

2. Make a working one-tube receiving set and demonstrate its operation by receiving from at least five different stations.

3. Explain how to install an antenna for use in receiving equipment and how to ground it properly and protect it against lightning and power wires.

4. Receive and send correctly a straight text of not less than five words (or twenty-five letters). Text will be assigned by merit badge counselor.

5. Name five of the most frequently used "Q" signals and explain the meaning of each.

6. Tell five basic requirements for a federal license to operate a transmitting station.


NOTE: The holding of an amateur operator's license will exempt the Scout from examination on all requirements above, except 1 and 2. Such license must be in force at the time the Radio badge is awarded.