Item Name: Radio 1978 - 1990

Item ID: Radio-H4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until January 1984

1. Learn the safety precautions for working with radio gear.

2. Do the following:

(a) Show correct way to solder radio wiring.

(b) Show how to stop heat damage during soldering.

(c) Explain why rosin-core solder is used.

3. Do the following:

(a) Draw 10 schematic symbols often used in radio diagrams.

(b) Explain what each of the parts represented by the symbols does.

4. Build from parts or from a kit at least one piece of radio gear using a vacuum tube, transistor, or diode. (Include selenium, germanium, or silicon rectifiers.) Show that the wiring is safe, correctly soldered, and neat. (Crystal radios, buzzer-type code sets, and continuity testers are not acceptable.)

5. Show you can send and receive the Morse code by ear for at least 1 minute at a rate of at least five words (25 letters) per minute without any mistakes. (Holders of unexpired amateur licenses of any class are exempt.)

6. Do the following:

(a) Name and explain five "Q" signals. Give five abbreviations used by radio operators.

(b) Explain how amateur radio operators prepare to handle emergency messages during disasters.

7. Check out jobs in radio. Talk about these with your counselor. Tell what job might interest you. Tell what training you need to prepare for it.


Requirements January 1984 until September 1995

1. Explain what radio is and how radio waves carry information. Include in your explanation: frequency, wavelength, transmitter, microphone, receiver, antenna, amplifier, oscillator, modulation, detection, mixer, and heterdyne.

2. Sketch a diagram showing how radio waves travel locally and around the world and how the sun affects radiowave propogation.


(a) Draw a chart of the electromagnetic spectrum covering 100 kHz to 1000 MHz.

(b) Label the LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, and microwave sections.

(c) Locate on your chart at least eight services such as AM and FM commercial broadcast, CB, television, amateur radio (at least four bands), and police.

(d) Discuss why the frequencies used are well suited to the services you've marked and why the ITU and FCC regulate the use of the radio spectrum.

4. Learn the safety precautions for working with radio gear, particularly DC and rf grounding.

5. Build from parts or a kit at least one piece of radio equipment using transistors, diodes, or vacuum tubes (crystal sets, buzzer-type code sets, and continuity testers are not acceptable). Do the following:

(a) Demonstrate correct soldering and unsoldering techniques on radio equipment and how to prevent heat damage while soldering.

(b) Draw 10 schematic symbols often used in radio diagrams and explain what each of the represented parts do.

(c) Explain how basic test equipment (ohmeter, voltmeter, ammeter, and oscilloscope) could be used to test your circuit.

6. Do ONE of the following (a, b, or c):

(a) Amateur radio

(1) Carry on a real or simulated radio contact of at least 10 minutes using Morse code from memory; use proper prosigns, Q signals, and abbreviations. (Licensed ham operators may substitute five QSL cards as evidence of cw contacts with amateurs in at last three different call districts.)

(2) Listen to and properly log at least 10 ham contacts; send signal reports.

(3) Explain at least eight Q signals or terms you hear while listening.

(4) Discuss Amateur Novice Class license requirements and privileges.

(b) Broadcast radio

(1) Prepare a program schedule for radio station "KBSA" of exactly one-half hour, including music, news, commercials, and proper station identification. Record your program on audio tape using proper techniques.

(2) Listen to and properly log 15 broadcast stations; determine for five of these their transmitting power and general areas served.

(3) Explain at least eight terms used in commercial broadcasting, such as segue, cut, and fade.

(4) Discuss the educational and licensing requirements and career opportunities in broadcast radio.

(c) Shortwave listening

(1) Listen across several short-wave bands for two 4-hour periods, one in the early morning and the other in the early evening. Log the stations properly and locate them geographically on a globe.

(2) For several major foreign stations (BBC or Radio Moscow, for example) list several frequency bands used by each.

(c) Compare your morning and evening logs, noting the frequencies on which your major foreign stations were loudest in each. Explain the differences in signal strength from one period to the next.

(4) Discuss the purpose of and careers in shortwave communications.

7. Visit a radio installation approved in advance by your counselor (ham shack, broadcast station, or public service communication center, for example). Discuss what types of equipment you saw in use, how it was used, what types of license are needed to operate and maintain the equipment, and the purpose of the station.