Item Name: Reading 1972 - 1975

Item ID: Readin-H2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1972 until January 1975

1. Have read 12 books during the past year. Not more than 3 of these can be from school assignments. The 12 books shall be from at least three of the following classifications: fiction, adventure, Scouting, biography, poetry, the arts, or books on hobbies. Present a list of books read and who wrote them.

2. Tell where in your town or county you may borrow, rent or buy books. Show a library card or tell how you got the books read in No. 1.

3. Tell how you became interested in your favorite hobby. Tell how reading helped to make your hobby worthwhile. Make a list of books, pamphlets, and magazines for someone just starting this hobby.

4. List the books you own.

5. Report on newspapers or news magazines you read.

6. Subscribe to or read regularly a magazine for the preceding 6 months. Report other magazines read.

7. Find and deliver books and magazines to some shut-in or sick person or help someone find books on his hobby or give service to your school or public library or do some similar service.

Note: Books and magazines must be approved by counselor.


Requirements January 1975 until August 1982

1. Select a topic you have wanted to know more about. With your counselor's guidance, select and read a group of six books, magazines, or other related reference material about this topic. Discuss with your counselor the material you have read.

2. Select a subject (not the topic used in requirement 1) that you enjoy a lot. Read six books on the subject. Discuss with your counselor the material you have read.

3. Select and read six novels in addition to the books read to meet requirements 1 and 2. Explain the following to your counselor:

(a) Why you chose each book in terms of your interests
(b) Something about each book in relation to yourself
(c) The things you liked and did not like about the way the main characters behaved

4. Do ONE of the following:

(a) Deliver books and/or magazines to a sick or shut-in person, a hospital, or a nursing home.
b) Give 4 hours of service to your school or public library.