Item Name: Rock and Minerals 1939 - 1943

Item ID: RocMin-C4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge


Requirements January 1, 1938 until June 1953, between September 7, 1937 and January 1, 1938 these requirements were optional


1. Make a general collection of at least twenty-five minerals and rocks, including varieties mounted for display or arranged in some orderly fashion in a proper box or container. Each specimen must be accompanied by a label giving the name of the specimen and its locality.

2. Be prepared to identify the minerals and rocks in your collection, telling in each case the characters which distinguish each specimen from the other specimens.

3. Prepare a special collection consisting of not less than 5 specimens which teaches some lesson about rocks and minerals, such as crystal form, color, streak, cleavage, hardness, fluorescence, etc. The collection must be mounted and labelled in such manner that it tells its own story. This collection shall be available as a Troop, school, or fair exhibit when requested. (The collection may consist of local rocks and minerals illustrating the local geology, it may consist entirely of soil types, or may illustrate the formation of soil from rocks.)