Item Name: Safety First 1917 - 1921

Item ID: SafFir-AH5

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements June 1916 until August 1925

I. State four or more dangerous conditions in the average home and indicate what steps should be taken to correct these conditions.

2. Produce satisfactory evidence that he is personally responsible for the application of at last two constructive safety first principles in his own home.

3. Name the most serious violation of public safety principles which has come under his observation and produce satisfactory evidence that he has done all within his power to correct the same.

4. State in writing at least six of the most important regulations covering street safety to meet the conditions of the neighborhood in which he lives.

5. State in writing at least six of the most important regulations covering street safety to meet the conditions of the school he last attended.

6. Submit in writing an outline of his own plan for a school fire drill and explain the method of properly carrying it into effect.

7. State in writing at last six violations of Safety First principles which are responsible for accidents in connection with railroads.

8. Stand a satisfactory examination showing a knowledge of the importance of the Safety First Movement and the most important principles it involves, and satisfactorily demonstrate his ability to assume leadership in case of a fire, panic, or other disaster.