Item Name: Salesmanship 1934 - 1935

Item ID: Salesm-B2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements March 1927 until June 1948

1. Analyze an article of merchandise from each of five retail stores, and make a report of what happens to each article of merchandise investigated from time it leaves the manufacturer until it reaches the consumer.

2. Explain the value of a salesman between manufacturer and jobber, between jobber and retailer; or between manufacturer and retailer.

3. Sell a definite quantity of merchandise total sales value of which is in excess of $10.00 and give his actual selling experience, telling the methods he used to influence people to buy his merchandise, and how he overcame "selling resistance."

4. Indicate the place or importance of selling in business.

5. Explain how ideas are formed and how a salesman can lead a customer to decide to buy.

6. Sell at a profit something he has made or grown. Keep the necessary records to enable him to fix the right selling price and tell how much profit he has made.

7. Obtain and hold for three months, a selling job for the hours after school, Saturday afternoons, or vacation. Describe what is necessary to sell the things he handles.

8. In uniform, visit a business concern and learn how their product is sold. Describe the selling process. Take with him an outline of at least ten questions prepared in advance.

9. Name five fundamental requirements of successful salesmanship.

10. Go to some successful practical salesman in his community and find out what he thinks of selling as a life work. Write out in 500 words or more his conclusions of what the salesman tells him of salesmanship as a life work.

11. (a) Explain what he understands to be the meaning of the statement that "Every man is a salesman. He must sell himself, his time, his ideas, his service."

(b) Explain why TRUTHFULNESS about an article is one of the outstanding requirements of all good selling.

(c) Explain what it is that every salesman sells to his employer.

(d) Explain how courtesy to prospective customers aids selling.

(Be prepared to give examples)