Item Name: Scholarship 1961 - 1968

Item ID: Schola-F

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements September 1958 until January 1969

1. Present evidence from the principal* of your school that during the past year (a) your attitude toward school, based on behavior, leadership, and service, has been better than average and (b) that you have been on your class honor roll or have maintained an average grade of 82 or above for at least one term or semester.

2. Show that you have taken an active part in at least two extracurricular activities, such as athletics, music, school publication work, dramatics, student council. Explain your part in these activities.

3. Write and submit to your counselor for approval an essay (at least four hundred words) on "How School Training Will Be of Value to Me in My Future."

4. Submit a list of the educational resources other than your own school in your community (public library, museums, historical shrines, churches, extension service office, etc.). Visit two of these places and report to your counselor on how you used their facilities for self-education.


* Alternates: dean, vice-principal, student adviser or counselor, guidance director or home-room teacher.