Item Name: Seamanship 1934 - 1935

Item ID: Seaman-B2

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements November 1932 until May 1940

1. Provide intimate working knowledge of all Tenderfoot knots and rolling hitch and bowline on a bight and carrick bend.

2. Make the following splices--eye splice, long splice, and short splice.

3. Reeve off and understand the use of any simple tackle and fling a rope coil.

4. Use palm and needle to whip the end of rope and to make a herring-bone stitch, a flat seam, and a round seam in sail canvas.

5. Fully dressed in shoes, trousers and jumper or coat, jump overboard in deep water, undress and, accompanied by a boat, swim 100 yards, under the supervision of his official Counselor.

6. Handle a rowboat with a pair of oars; also act as coxswain, giving orders for getting under way and making landings properly. Scull a boat with one oar.

7. Have a working knowledge of:

(a) the lead line and patent log;
(b) anchors and use of ground tackle;
(c) weather wisdom and tides;
(d) charts and pilotage.

8. Box the compass by quarter-points and point out direction by the stars and sun.

9. Know the lights used on sail and power vessels and be familiar with the elementary rules of the road.

10. Handle a boat under sail on all points of sailing, getting under way, making landing at dock or alongside another vessel and reefing.