Item Name: Sheep Farming 1938 - 1939

Item ID: SheFar-C3b

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1928 until June 1946

1. Explain the use of sheep for domestic purposes, for commerce and industry.

2. Attend a state or county fair, or state experiment farm and name and explain characteristics of 4 leading breeds of sheep shown. Explain which is his favorite and why.

3. Give origin and history of one breed of sheep.

4. Visit two meat markets and obtain information for making a drawing of a sheep, then mark off the meat grade sections of the animal.

5. Exhibit and explain four of the different grades of wool from sheep.

6. Explain what wool is used for, in home, commerce and industry.

7. Make an exhibit of pictures of at least five sheep breeds and show samples of wool produced by each.


Comply with the 4H club or Home Project Requirements in Sheep Farming as follows:

1. Own a sheep.
2. Do all the work in its care and management for a season.
3. Keep accurate cost account and records as required by leaders.
4. Exhibit animal as required by state and county leaders in charge.
5. Make complete report at end of season or year as required by leaders and show profit or loss.