Item Name: Signaling 1913 - 1921

Item ID: Signal-AH3

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements August 1911 until October 1914.

I. Send and receive a message in two of the following systems of signaling: Semaphore, Morse, or Myer, not fewer than twenty-four letters per minute.

2. Be able to give and read signals by sound.

3. Make correct smoke and fire signals.


Requirements October 1914 until December 1916

I. Send and receive a message, in either of the two following systems of signaling: Semaphore, or International Morse, not fewer than twenty-four letters per minute.

2. Give and receive signals by sound, using the buzzer, sounder, whistle, or bugle.

3. Make correct smoke and fire signals as indicated in Chapter V of the handbook.

4. Make a buzzer outfit, wireless outfit, or a heliograph outfit.


Requirements December 1916 until April 1923

I. Send and receive a message in Semaphore code, not fewer than forty-eight letters per minute, or in the General Service (International Morse) Code, not fewer than twenty-four letters per minute.

2. Give and receive signals by sound, using the buzzer, sounder, whistle, or bugle.

3. Make a buzzer outfit, wireless outfit or a heliograph outfit.