Item Name: Signaling 1920 - 1933

Item ID: Signal-AT3

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge


Requirements December 1916 until April 1923

I. Send and receive a message in Semaphore code, not fewer than forty-eight letters per minute, or in the General Service (International Morse) Code, not fewer than twenty-four letters per minute.

2. Give and receive signals by sound, using the buzzer, sounder, whistle, or bugle.

3. Make a buzzer outfit, wireless outfit or a heliograph outfit.


Requirements April 1923 until October 1939

I. Send and receive a message in Semaphore code, not fewer than forty-eight letters per minute, or in the General Service (International Morse) Code, not fewer than twenty-four letters per minute.

2. Send and receive signals by sound, using the buzzer, sounder, whistle, or bugle.

3. Make a buzzer outfit, wireless outfit of not less than twenty-four letters with the same.