Item Name: Signaling 1978 - 1990

Item ID: Signal-H4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge

Requirements January 1975 until May 1990

1. Know the proper application of the international Morse and semaphore codes and when, where, and how they can be used to best advantage.

2. Make an electric buzzer outfit, radio transmitter, audio oscillator, blinker, or other signaling device.

3. Send and receive a complete message of not less than 35 words in the international Morse code by buzzer or other sound device at a rate of not less than 35 letters per minute.

4. Demonstrate an ability to send and receive a message in the international Morse code by wigwag and by blinker or other light-signaling device at the rate of not less than 20 letters per minute.

5. Send and receive a message by semaphore code at the rate of not less than 30 letters per minute.

6. Discuss briefly various other codes and methods of signaling that are in common use.