Item Name: Soil Management 1939 - 1943

Item ID: SoiMan-C4

Collector Rating: 1

Pamphlets Used to Earn this Badge


Requirements January 1, 1938 until January 1952. Between September 7, 1937 and January 1, 1938 these requirements were optional

1. Dig and exhibit samples of five different types of farm soil from garden or farm. (Bottle samples and name types of soil and where obtained.)

2. Explain fully the two best methods known for testing sour soils. (Demonstrate one of them.)

3. Give chemical composition of soil.

4. Explain the proper management of wet soils; draw and explain a simple drainage plan suitable for effective use on a farm where soil is low and wet.

5. Explain fully three different methods used for maintaining soil fertility on a farm and the relation of weeds to soil management.

6. Plant four different legumes of value in soil building for his own state and locality.

7. Explain what the figures 4-8-4 mean when dealing with commercial fertilizers.

8. Find a nearby bank or slope or hillside on a farm, field, lawn, garden, school yard, park or playground, where soil erosion has started and show how to check further damage or how to control during crop season.

9. Demonstrate on a piece of ground (1) two different methods of preventing garden, lawn or soil from wearing out; (2) one method of reclaiming worn out soil.